LITERACY PROJECT in the plateau region of Kuma apoti

In Togo, illiteracy affects around 43.3% of young people and adults aged 15 to 44, or 977,000 people, more than two-thirds of whom are women (670,000). The literacy issue concerns women more but also men. Women are more affected by its consequences during their activities, trade for example (account, credit notes, etc.). The DZIDZO association works in the field of education, touched by these glaring figures, we implemented a "LITERACY PROJECT" in the plateau region in the village of Kuma The official launch of the project took place on November 06, 2021, a total of 25 learners benefited from the course materials. read more

Construction of a borehole in the canton of Gapé

After a survey carried out on August 21 and 22, 2020 in the canton of Gapé more precisely in the village of Flangadua, it turned out that the population had difficult access to drinking water. . The DZIDZO Association, committed to the well-being of all, has spared no effort in the construction of a borehole in the locality. The inauguration of the water point was held on March 18, 2021, the population of Flangadua and its surroundings, more than 610 inhabitants get their water from the Zio River. The construction of this borehole is a real relief for the whole community.

Raising awareness on school pregnancy in Gapé Kpodzi

On December 8, 2021, the Gapé Kpodzi village hosted the DZIDZO Association for raising awareness on the theme of pregnancy in schools. This sensitization brought together the students of CM1-CM2 and those of the college. This awareness aims to teach students to prioritize their studies and to know the changes their bodies are undergoing. A midwife taught them about reading the menstrual cycle and the strategies to adopt to avoid getting pregnant while in school. At this meeting, the students received menstrual cycle necklaces, leaflets and posters containing awareness information.

Drug donations 2021

A partnership with the ASSF, Action sociale sans frontières in Strasbourg, helped the population of Kovié Dzéméké. DZIDZO received boxes of medicines and donated them to the community. After careful sorting with health experts, on November 21, 2021 DZIDZO distributed the drugs after medical consultations.

Distribution of School Kits 2021

Since October 2020, the DZIDZO Association has been providing assistance to students at the start of the school year. This year we helped twice as many students in three locations. On September 11, the DZIDZO team went to Agou Agblodomé in the plateau region where 25 primary school students received complete kits as well as the first 5 who passed the CEPD exam. On September 18, the distribution is made in the maritime region with 25 primary school students and the first 5 of the EDPS exam. September 26; the activity is closed in Gapé Kpodzi in the maritime region with 25 students of primary school and 25 college students. The first 5 of the CEPD exam and the first 5 of the BEPC exam also received school kits. In all, 120 students received school kits to start the 2021-2022 school year.

Sponsorship project

The number of job seekers is now at 5% in Togo. The DZIDZO Association, wanting to contribute to the employability and development of young people, officially launches the first phase of the sponsorship project July 17, 2021. The sponsorship project is a financial support project for young people at the end of their apprenticeship. The sponsorship project consists of three parts: first, the training of young people in the management of a business. come next the implementation stage which includes the acquisition of premises, the purchase of equipment, as well as the opening of the workshop. The last part is monitoring for the relevance and sustainability of the action.

Dr AKLIKU Nomessi: Speaker at the Manlius Pebble Hill Model United Nation School Annual Conference

The President of the DZIDZO Association, Dr AKLIKU Nomessi had the honor of being the keynote speaker at the Manlius Pebble Hill Model United Nation School Annual Conference on October 21, 2021. His presentation focused on the activities of the DZIDZO Association but also on the theme of global health and challenges for Africa today. He returned to the determinants of health and the importance of the fight against poverty in access to health for all as defined by the World Health Organization. At the end of this conference, a partnership was established between the MPHMUN school and the DZIDZO Association. This partnership has made it possible to finance DZIDZO's activities. The DZIDZO Association through its president here expresses its gratitude to the MPHMUN school through Sarah Chhablani thanks to whom this partnership could be born.