Dzidzo USA Inc. is the American branch of the DZIDZO association, which is therefore an international organization. Dzidzo USA is a Non-Governmental Organization with 501 (c)(3) status. registered in the State of Texas in the month of June 2023. Dzidzo USA's main purpose is to collect donations to support the work of Dzidzo Togo.

NB: Donations made to Dzidzo USA Inc. in the United States are tax-deductible. Status available upon request.

A dynamic and dedicated team makes up the Dzidzo USA office.

  • Chairman: Adam Thomas (Austin, Texas), UNICEF Expert in Water Hygiene and Sanitation, business leader,
  • Secretary: Nomessi Akliku (Lincoln, Nebraska), Medical Epidemiologist, Nebraska State Department of Health,
  • Treasurer: Allison Derusha (New York City, New York), Specialist in global philanthropy strategy.

Councillors (in alphabetical order by surname) :

  • Kodjo Afoudji (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Clinical Research Programmer. Kodjo wants to « help improve the financial and health well-being of underserved communities in Togo. »
  • Sara Cross (Memphis, Tennessee), M.D., Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University Health Center of Tennessee.
  • Richard Hanson (Austin, Texas), Managing Director of the NGO Tejiendo Alianzas. Richard « loves collaborating to create solutions that enable people to improve their quality of life and realize their dreams. »